ToughSteel Event

ToughSteel: Application of fracture toughness in sheet metal forming

This is the third out of five training webinars organized in the ToughSteel project. In this webinar, you can learn how fracture toughness measurements can help you in your day-to-day problems related to the edge formability of high-strength metal sheets. Different aspects of the experimental evaluation of fracture toughness in thin metal sheets have been addressed, and examples of industrial application cases have been shown. Furthermore, a new fracture mechanics-based damage evolution model to improve edge-cracking prediction in forming simulations has been presented.

List of event topics:

  • Fracture toughness measurements as a tool to predict edge formability of high-strength metal sheets
  • Examples of application of the essential work of fracture methodology to solve cold forming problems in the industry
  • Limitations of virtual simulation software for fracture and edge formability prediction
  • New fracture criterion based on the essential work of fracture to improve the accuracy of edge cracking prediction in forming simulations

12th May 2022

10.00h – 11.50h CEST

ONLINE (Microsoft Teams)

Event materials

Video recording



10:00 – 10:15 – Welcome and ToughSteel project overview

Begoña Casas, Researcher at the Ceramic and Metallic Materials Unit, Eurecat

10:15 – 10:35 – Fracture toughness to predict edge-cracking resistance

David Frómeta, Researcher at the Ceramic and Metallic Materials Unit, Eurecat

10:35 – 10:55 – Application of fracture toughnes measurements in the industry: Successful case studies

Michele Maria Tedesco, Metals manager, Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF)

10:55 – 11:15 – Limitations on sheared edge formability simulations

Olle Sandin, PhD Student, Luleå University of Technology

11:15 – 11:35 – Application of the EWF in sheet metal forming simulation

Ricardo Hernández, Researcher, Eurecat

11:35 – 11:50 – Q&A, Open discussion

Moderated by Begoña Casas, Researcher at the Ceramic and Metallic Materials Unit, Eurecat
