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- Create Date June 20, 2023
- Last Updated June 20, 2023
D4.2 Report on Training Activities
This document presents the ToughSteel project training activities directed both to students, academia and industrial stakeholders. The training has been performed by 5 training webinars, 3 academic workshops and 7 industrial workshops and an additional industrial workshop is planned in the near future. Detailed information and agenda for all these events are provided in this report. In addition, this report presents how the material covered in this project is nowadays included in the educational programs at the university partners in ToughSteel, Luleå University of Technology in northern Sweden and Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium.
The training has been distributed all over the project period starting from month 7. The different training events have been mixed and distributed over Belgium, France, Germany, Spain and Sweden. Both researchers at academy and industry, undergraduate students, research students and the general public have been invited to the different events.